Partner Resources

  • We will pay up to $2,500 in educational expenses for local Women in Ag Events.
  • Once you have your event scheduled, let us know the details via a press release at least 6 weeks in advance. Email your press release to
  • When promoting your event please include the phrase “This program is held in partnership with Nebraska Women in Agriculture.” If possible, please include one of the following logos. 
  • Horizontal: Red/Black Text  | Red/White Text | Black Text | White Text
  • Verticle: Red/Black Text | Red/White Text | Black Text | White Text 
  • Tag us in social media posts @newomeninag on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. 
  • Connect with to discuss expense payment. Whenever possible, we prefer to make payments with a credit card. 
  • After the event:
  • Share participant registration information with us: first name, last name, email address, mailing address, and demographic data. 
  • Share any evaluation data that you collect.